We are a rare breed of Christ followers endeavoring to bring hope and Help to the dark, dangerous, and Difficult corners of the world. for security reasons, We go by unique names that inspire us to be more.
Our Team
Our Team
Biz is the founder of Unusual Soldiers and the creator of Stranded, Shrewd, and Slingshot training. He has traveled to every inhabited continent and has trained many people in remote and resistant areas. He was personally trained in survival by Bear Grylls and former British Commandos. Biz is an ordained pastor, an author, a Wilderness First Responder, a missions strategist, and is on the Samaritan’s Purse International Disaster Response team. Adventure is in his DNA and he thrives on seeing hope initiatives launched in the dark, dangerous, and difficult corners of the world.
Manager of Shrewd
Harbinger has spent the past 20+ years working and training in U.S. Special Operations and with numerous government agencies in national security activities relating to foreign policy and international programs. Harbinger is a senior advisor to political and military leaders on special activities in global crisis response and emergency management. Harbinger is a combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan conducting missions into high threat environments and semi-permissive countries. Harbinger also works on the frontlines of war-zones and disasters as security for Samaritan’s Purse.
SERE Instructor
Fire has spent over 20 years training high risk of isolation personnel in SERE (survival, evasion, resistance, and escape) tactics and techniques. As a service member, he has deployed six times supporting Department of Defense and US Government efforts to locate, support, recover, and reintegrate isolated or captured personnel. He has also trained other countries' forces in their ability to conduct personnel recovery missions. Scab's focus is teaching people skills that he hopes they will never have to employ, but confident that, when used appropriately, will get them home safe and sound with their honor intact.
Manager of Operations and Finance
Personal Connections
Manager of Training Events
Manger of Global Networking
Wilderness Instructor
“Nobody” served as an adventure guide for 7 years throughout remote parts of Asia. Before venturing off to Asia he received Outdoor training in rock climbing, Kayaking, and backpacking from National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). He works for Pioneer Seed and is the youth director at his church. He is also a Wilderness First Responder and a certified EMT. He is a Nebraska native.